
American Culture 博天堂官方网站 at BGSU

American Culture 博天堂官方网站 is the flagship program for interdisciplinary study in the humanities and social sciences at BGSU and a leading international innovator in cultural studies. From its inception, the ACS program had a strong interdisciplinary focus, drawing faculty from across the BGSU campus and attracting students from across the US and world.

In 1957, an undergraduate interdisciplinary Bachelor of 艺术 program in American 博天堂官方网站 was established under the direction of Dr. Alma Payne of the Department of 英语, who was named as the first faculty joint appointment in 英语 and American 博天堂官方网站. This program was expanded in 1964 to include a Master of 艺术. B.A. 和M.A. in American 博天堂官方网站 were the first two non-departmental, interdisciplinary degrees offered at BGSU.

BGSU established the American Culture 博天堂官方网站 Ph.D program in 1978, among the earliest of its kind. The program draws on the expertise of full-time and joint-appointed faculty in the program as well as affiliated faculty. 特别是, the program relies strongly on affiliated faculty from the other units in the 文化学院 and 关键的博天堂官方网站: the Department of 流行文化, Department of 民族博天堂官方网站, 和女队, 性别, and 性博天堂官方网站 Program. The program also draws on expertise from, and interdisciplinary collaborations with, 艺术系, 英语, 历史, Media and 沟通, 哲学, 政治科学, 剧院 & 电影, 社会学, Sport and Leisure 博天堂官方网站, and other units across BGSU.

Updated: 06/24/2019 08:46AM