
欢迎来到州立鲍灵格林大学英语系. 是校园里最大最多样化的系之一, 英语系提供学位课程和文学辅修课程, 创意写作, 修辞学与写作, and other areas. Students in English take classes with passionate and committed teachers who have dedicated themselves to the study of language and literature and the creation of original works of scholarship, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Our graduate programs complement our undergraduate programs and provide additional opportunities for professional development. 现在是发展英语学习所提供的技能的最佳时机. 批判性思维, 创造性表达, breadth of mind, 理解文化差异的天赋, 进行博天堂官方网站的能力, 以及清晰优雅的写作能力, 是雇主需要的吗.




恭喜简·伊丽莎白·韦格曼! Jane Wageman, 小说专业即将升读二年级的文学硕士候选人, received one of Loyola University Chicago's prestigious Hank Fellowships in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. 这个暑期奖学金可以让她发展她的小说, 心灵是真实存在的. 正如韦格曼所写, "this is a novel that explores questions about knowledge and uncertainty through the story of a large Catholic family in the Midwest. In the novel, 家庭是检验共同信仰如何产生根本分歧的自然场所, 因为不同的家庭成员以不同的方式联系他们的信仰. The family also serves as a context for the characters to grapple with knowledge: how well they know one another, 还有他们了解自己的程度. 一场看似轻微的车祸引发了这些问题. 没有人受到人身伤害, 但这让开车的儿子怀疑他是否无意识地想要撞车, 同时也让他母亲精神崩溃. 博天堂官方描述了事故的后果,并深入探讨了过去, 它提出了关于心灵本质的问题, 我们控制和了解自己思想的程度, 以及信仰和怀疑之间的紧张关系." 

Recent graduate of Masters Online English and 创意写作 Certificate Program has poem published in the Cincinnati Review. 






Amanda McGuire Rzicznek was recently interviewed about her English 3430 Picture Book Workshop class. 


Dr. 雪莉,Wells-Jensen, 波士顿州立大学英语副教授, 周五在联合国发表讲话, February 10th.

Dr. 雪莉,Wells-Jensen, 波士顿州立大学英语副教授, 周五在联合国发表讲话, February 10th. Dr. 威尔斯-詹森的证词是第八届国际妇女日的一部分 & 科学女孩大会. Dr. Wells-Jensen目前还担任Baruch S. 布隆伯格NASA/国会图书馆天体生物学主席, Exploration, 和科学创新. 国会图书馆的克鲁格中心. She has also recently worked as a linguistic consultant at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as part of the Clipper Project, 和NASA一起进行零重力飞行, 并在其他零重力任务中担任残疾飞行员的地面支援人员. 恭喜你,雪莉,谢谢你出色的服务!

watch here

Paul Kei Matsuda访问BGSU谈论语言评估

The 大学写作计划 (UWP) and T/ESOL Program collaborated to bring Paul Kei Matsuda, 是英语/ESOL和修辞与写作博天堂官方网站领域最著名的学者之一, to BGSU. Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University. 他的博天堂官方网站主要围绕第二语言写作, a transdisciplinary field of inquiry that integrates theoretical and methodological insights from both language studies and writing studies. 

Read more



Dr. 苏·卡特·伍德:终身成就奖

Dr. 辛西娅·马哈菲:终身成就奖

Dr. 朱莉·谢弗:教师导师奖


Sam Burt

MFA候选人,Sam Burt,被选为2022年AWP期刊项目奖得主

祝贺山姆·伯特,诗歌艺术硕士候选人,被选为 AWP介绍期刊项目.


Jeevani Sammeta被评为2022年度优秀国际教学助理

Jeevani因其在媒体与传播学院的TI工作而受到认可, 特别是, for her positions as the instructor of record in Introduction to Public Speaking (COMM 1020), 组织沟通(COMM 3070), 视觉编辑(JOUR 3150).

除了致谢证书, 吉瓦尼还将获得750美元的酬金,以表彰她的杰出成就.

The goal of the Outstanding International Teaching Assistant/Associate award is to recognize the contributions that international graduate students bring to BGSU, and we are delighted that Jeevani is the second award recipient from the School of 媒体与传播. 今天颁发这个奖项是我的荣幸, 尤其是考虑到这个奖项的竞争异常激烈, 自上次以来,申请人数增加了两倍, inaugural, year.

The committee members were impressed with Jeevani’s application materials which demonstrated her professional growth, global mindset, 以及她对教学的投入. Jeevani’s class materials exemplify her thoughtful process of aligning activities with course learning objectives and reflecting on-action and for-action (Murphy, 2014). Jeevani’s students praise her for the dedication to exposing them to her cultural background by integrating various components of Indian film and language into her classes. 例如,一个学生写道:

Something that I’ve taken from class with Jeevani is the concept of jugaad: “a flexible approach to problem solving that uses limited resources in an innovative way” (Oxford Languages).

Another student highlighted Jeevani’s responsiveness to student feedback and her commitment to helping students develop their interests:

Ms. Sammeta always balanced her responsibilities of pushing students to complete work that reflected their highest effort, while also showing understanding and compassion to students who may be experiencing a situation that is interfering with their academic performance.




在完成我们的组织变革单元时,Ms. Sammeta conducted an activity that required each table in the class to develop and share with the rest of the class an instructional activity that would exemplify specified concepts from the chapter. 我的桌子被分配到组织合并, and I took the lead in planning an activity that helped demonstrate the difficulties of maintaining and negotiating identity during a merger; after class, Ms. Sammeta approached our table to ask who developed the idea’s core concept and later scheduled a Zoom call with me to further develop the idea for presentation as a GIFTS paper…. 这超出了人们对奥巴马的传统期望. 萨姆梅塔是一名教练, 尤其是作为一名博天堂官方网站生导师,她有自己的学术工作量要管理.



Sharona Muir获得新奥尔良大学新闻实验室奖

恭喜Sharona Muir!

The University of New Orleans Press announces that Sharona Muir was the winner of the 7th Annual University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize.  


The English for Speakers of Other Languages Program is delighted to announce a call for Outstanding ITA Award nominations. The purpose of this award is to honor one graduate International Teaching Associate or Assistant (ITA) at 州立鲍灵格林大学 each year who has demonstrated excellence in instructional capacities.  


  • Use writing effectively—including current modes and evolving techniques and technologies—to explore subject matter and to communicate;
  • Develop understanding of subject matter in relation to larger historical and/or cultural contexts, 包括多元文化背景;
  • 把理论和实践联系起来. 学生运用理论来理解课文, solve problems, 有效地教学, 和/或学生从文本经验中总结, 交际情境和教学情境;
  • 培养创造性和/或批判性思维的技能.

博天堂官方网站[BGSU]是由 高等教育委员会.  BGSU于1916年1月1日获得高等教育委员会认证. The most recent 重申认可资格 是在2012 - 2013年收到的. 问题应直接向 机构效能办公室.

英语节目成功了 程序/集群检查 在2016-17学年.

州立鲍灵格林大学的课程可以获得执照, 证明和/或背书, 是否在线交付, 面对面或混合形式, 满足俄亥俄州对这些证书的学术要求.

牌照要求, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. 英语课程不会导致专业执照.

根据高等教育法第四章披露要求, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

The English program is not a recognized occupation that requires a Gainful Employment disclosure.
